Ricardo Puebla

I am a researcher on quantum science and technologies, and I am currently holding a Visiting Professor position at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M, Spain). Previously, I had the opportunity to be a postdoctoral researcher at top-level research groups: Quinfog (IFF-CSIC, Spain) and QTeQ (Queen's University Belfast, UK), and I completed the PhD in the group of Theoretical Physics at Ulm University (Germany) under the supervision of Prof. Martin B. Plenio.

My research focuses mainly on the broad field of quantum science and technology. In particular, I have worked on quantum control, quantum many-body systems and their critical phenomena, quantum sensing and metrology, as well as quantum information processing protocols.
Source: Google Scholar
During my stages at different institutions I have taught BSc and MSc level courses, such as Quantum Information (QUB, UK) and Electrodynamics (Ulm University, Germany). Since June 2022 I have been teaching several courses at UC3M, such as Physics I, Advanced Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies. In addition, I have had the opportunity to co-supervised brilliant PhD and MSc students.
4.0.A01 Physics Department
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)
Av. de la Universidad 30, 28911, Leganés, Spain